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Co-working: Not just a high-tech trend

Co-working has been a trendy topic the first spaces opened in 2010. For most of this time, the trend has been concentrated mostly in larger cities. The movement has continued to gain steam, with nearly 14,000 co-working spaces now operating worldwide, and about 2,500 new spaces per year being added. No longer just for high-tech workers, co-working spaces now come in a variety of forms – there are spaces that cater to artists, makers, remote workers, the self-employed professional and startups of all types. Read More

2019-07-17T15:55:23-05:00July 3, 2017|Places, Small Business|

Sustaining Family-Owned Businesses in Downtown

Whether a business begins when a husband-and-wife team goes into business together, or with a parent-child partnership, family-owned businesses often have close ties to the community and can be powerful advocates on behalf of the community. However, 70 percent of all privately owned businesses will change hands in the coming decade as Baby Boomers retire, and only one-third of family businesses successfully make this transition. Businesses can significantly improve their odds by undertaking three critical initiatives. Read More

2017-12-21T02:12:47-06:00June 19, 2017|Places, Small Business|

Downtown: hotbed of entrepreneurship

When people hear the word “entrepreneur,” the picture that comes to mind may be a high-tech startup or an enterprising inventor with a new gadget. However, 91 percent of downtown storefronts are locally owned and operated, and these businesses are entrepreneurial ventures in the truest sense of the word.  Webster’s dictionary defines an entrepreneur as

2017-12-21T02:19:14-06:00April 18, 2017|Community Engagement, Places, Small Business|

Business Owners Share Insights Learned from Experience

Noticing an unmet need, identifying a personal passion, following a family tradition—many different paths can lead to starting a business. Each new business is unique, and three business owners were invited to share their individual stories as part of MARKETPLACE 2016, the Governor’s Conference on Minority Business Development. The stories were shared during the Governor’s

2018-06-26T12:35:16-05:00December 15, 2016|Uncategorized|
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