Young adults around fire holding hot cocoa

Fighting cabin fever by creating winter fun downtown


Wisconsin winters can seem long, dark and cold. The temptation is strong to hunker down and wait it out. But just because the days are short and frigid, there’s no reason your customers need to be prisoners in their own homes.

You can ward off cabin fever by uncovering the fun side of winter right in your own downtown. In a globalized economy where businesses and workers have more say in where they locate, downtowns can no longer afford to appear lifeless for a quarter of the year. Many people choose places to live based on local culture. Making public places that are inviting all year­—not just when it is warm and sunny—is essential to create a dynamic, prosperous community.

This demands strategy. And it requires showcasing your town throughout the winter, and not just during the holiday season. Successful approaches often focus on local identity and character while providing an inviting, vibrant physical environment.



Main Street Awards Nominations
Due Jan. 28
More Info

Top Rural Development Initiative Nomination
Deadline  Feb. 7
Roundtable Discussion Group
Feb. 8, Rhinelander
Feb. 9, Mount Horeb



Conflict Management Workshop
Mar. 8, Madison
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Main Street Awards
April 22
Registration coming soon


Lighting Design Workshop
Jun. 7, DePere


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