State celebrates National Small Business Week by offering free training and resources to entrepreneurs
MADISON, WI. MAY 2, 2022 – Governor Tony Evers has declared May 1-7 National Small Business Week in Wisconsin to highlight the contributions of small businesses to Wisconsin’s economy.
“From our biggest cities to our smallest towns, small businesses in Wisconsin are the hearts of our communities, acting as catalysts for our local economies and supporting the livelihoods of so many Wisconsinites,” the proclamation notes. “When we support small businesses, we are supporting family-supporting jobs and the preservation of the unique character of our local communities.”
The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) will be marking the week by providing real-world advice and training to small business owners through the ninth annual Lieutenant Governor’s Small Business Academy, which will offer a mix of virtual and in-person events May 3-6.
The Small Business Academy will feature discussions on topics of importance to small businesses including financing options, cybersecurity, digital marketing, information technology, small business certifications, and identifying markets and sales opportunities, as well as mentorship from business owners who have successfully made it through the initial stages of starting and growing their companies. Regional in-person events from La Crosse to Madison and Milwaukee up to Appleton and Crandon will be held on the final day.
“The Academy is another way WEDC provides entrepreneurs with various resources to be successful and keep our downtowns thriving,” said Missy Hughes, secretary and CEO of WEDC. “These business owners need to understand that they’re not alone as they work to grow their business. The entire state of Wisconsin is supporting them with educational opportunities such as the Lieutenant Governor’s Small Business Academy, grants and partnerships with nonprofit groups and the federal Small Business Administration offering training, advice, loans and so much more.”
The 9th Annual Lieutenant Governor’s Small Business Academy is hosted by WEDC and its partners: the U.S. Small Business Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Wisconsin Small Business Development Center, Wisconsin Procurement Institute, Ethnic Diverse Business Coalition and the SCORE Association. US Bank is the keystone sponsor.
For more information go to the Small Business Academy.