Read about the Wisconsin Investment Fund – a public-private venture capital initiative.

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7 ways to use social media to boost downtown and community revitalization efforts

June 27, 2023|Community Development|

Social media is a powerful tool, providing rich opportunities to communicate with community members directly and put people in touch with each other.

The flexible workplace trend can benefit downtowns

March 13, 2023|Community Development|

The pandemic forced a lasting transition to hybrid and work-from-home models, dramatically shifting downtowns’ daytime customer base. But communities are discovering that coworking spaces offer an important way for businesses to find and engage daytime workers downtown and keep Main Streets vibrant.

Transforming problem properties into economic opportunity

November 23, 2022|Community Development|

First impressions are important, and the face of your downtown has a huge impact on perceptions. If a district looks well cared for and active, people see it as vibrant and prosperous, encouraging customers to shop and businesses to invest.

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