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Revitalization success stories

July 27, 2020|Community Development|

As our state, nation and world cope with a pandemic on a scale never before seen in our lifetimes, it has taken a toll on our health, our thinking, our economy and our communities. COVID-19 has also changed—perhaps forever—the the way we do business; interact with each other; and design the places we live, work and entertain. Some businesses, due to their nature, were able to easily adapt by providing window or curbside service, taking sales online or working from home. Others, such as salons, taverns, gyms, concert halls and sports venues, have had to shut down completely until further notice.

Event planning during a pandemic

June 29, 2020|Community Development|

With most communities canceling events and unsure when they will be able to resume programming in light of the pandemic, WEDC’s downtown development team is offering some ideas for how communities can adapt. These include a focus on smaller events and virtual events, as well as events that can be planned in a short amount of time—so communities can adopt creative strategies instead of simply going the whole summer without any events.

Program spotlight: WEDC grant programs help communities thrive

May 10, 2019|Community Development|

WEDC provides financial and technical assistance to Wisconsin businesses and communities. Community Development Investment (CDI) Grants and Idle Sites Redevelopment Grants are aimed at funding redevelopment in communities.

A layperson’s guide to historic commercial building styles in Wisconsin

January 11, 2018|Community Development|

Written by Joe Lawniczak, Wisconsin Main Street | Edited by Jim Draeger, Wisconsin Historical Society If you’re like most people, being able to identify a building’s architectural style is [...]

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