Community Overview

Yellowstone Industrial Park is located on Marshfield’s southeast side, less than one mile from a four-lane U.S. highway and just 30 miles to the nearest interstate (I-39). Rail access is available in the southern portion of the park. The City of Marshfield owns the rail spurs within the industrial park, and no future right of way will be required. A beautiful multimodal trail bisects the industrial park. Lots can be subdivided to fit your needs. Marshfield boasts great companies in a variety of industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, medical, and transportation. A technical college and two-year university, along with highly ranked K-12 schools, provide lifelong learning.

  • Ariel photo of Marshfield certified site
  • Map view showing proximity to nearby states, cities, and bodies of water
  • Map of surrounding local businesses

Site Features


100+ acres of greenfield under public control

Less than two miles from four-lane U.S. Hwy. 10 and just 30 miles to nearest interstate (I-39)

Central Wisconsin Airport (CWA), located 40 miles from the property, offers commercial service with direct flights to MSP and O’Hare. CWA also offers freight service.

Rail-served by Canadian National Railway Company


No known utility easements on site

ALTA survey completed June 2023


Phase I Environmental Site Assessment completed April 2023 on ~146 acres

Archaeological and architecture/history review completed May 4, 2023

Endangered resources review completed April 2023


100+ acres of greenfield under public control

Wetlands survey completed December 2020

Site Contact

Steve Barg

City Administrator

City of Marshfield
207 W. 6th St.