Digitization of the Dutch health care system advances
The market for digital health services will develop very dynamically in the coming years, with opportunities for Wisconsin exporters.
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The market for digital health services will develop very dynamically in the coming years, with opportunities for Wisconsin exporters.
Wisconsin companies in the construction or plumbing industry need to follow certification requirements for their products to be accepted for use in Mexican developments.
The edible insect market in Korea has been steadily growing and there may be market opportunities for Wisconsin companies.
Sales of pharmaceutical drugs soared in Russia in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Wisconsin companies with innovative technology could help Spain achieve its goals for a digital transformation by 2025.
Venture capitalists have a favorable view of technology companies in Africa.
As the Australian electric vehicle industry develops, there will be an increased need for charging infrastructure and supporting products, presenting a potential opportunity for Wisconsin exporters.
Wisconsin businesses specializing in the pet product industry may find opportunity within the growing Canadian pet market.
With China’s increasing demand for pet food, consumers could welcome products from Wisconsin’s high-quality pet food companies.
Removing the UAE from the U.S. Trade Representative’s annual watch list signifies it has set tighter protections for patents, trademarks and copyrights, which could open the door for more export opportunities.