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A new strategic plan for Australia’s military defense

May 1, 2023
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Why this is important to Wisconsin businesses: The proposal aims to modernize the military through increased production, streamlined partnerships with industry, and close bonds with allies.

Australia’s government is ramping up its defense efforts and accelerating the pace of those efforts.

The Defense Strategic Review, issued in April, stressed the need for reform so Australia can defend itself against growing adversarial threats and achieve combat-ready status.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese identified six priorities:

  • Acquire nuclear submarines
  • Develop the Australian Defense Force’s (ADF) ability to strike targets at longer range and to manufacture munitions in Australia
  • Improve ADF’s ability to operate in northern parts of the country
  • Expand the country’s defense workforce
  • Form close partnerships with Australian companies to rapidly adopt disruptive technologies
  • Deepen diplomatic and defense partnerships

The 116-page report says Australia must continue to work closely with the U.S. to “achieve balance and stability in the Indo-Pacific.”

Wisconsin companies that manufacture products or provide services in industrial or electrical machinery or in defense technology may be able to leverage Australia’s dependence on imports and may have an easier time arranging exports.

The strategic report calls on the ADF to remove unnecessary barriers to acquisitions, streamline strategically significant procurements, make faster decisions in the delivery of projects, and consult closely with the defense industry.

The new plan calls for preparedness for all branches of defense. This means that for air, maritime, and cyberdefense capabilities, the ADF will be looking to procure solutions such as autonomous vehicles, long-range weapons systems, and other supporting equipment rather than parts and supplies for older land vehicles or ground-to-ground weapons systems.

For Wisconsin companies that seek to win ADF business, strategies might include fostering relationships with Australian importers, distributors, technology integrators, and manufacturers.

To better to understand the local landscape and the product and service categories with the most opportunities, exporters can consult:

Interested exporters are encouraged to contact WEDC for an initial discussion about opportunities for their products in the Australian market.

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