Coming soon:
Wisconsin’s Solar for All program

Wisconsin’s upcoming Solar for All program will support deployment of solar systems for low- and moderate-income households across the state as WEDC works to build an Economy for All.

Thanks to an announced $62.4 million grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Solar for All will serve Wisconsin communities through:

  • rooftop residential;
  • multifamily; and
  • community solar projects.

WEDC is currently working through contracting requirements with the EPA and fleshing out program details including eligibility criteria, application procedures, and program offerings. We expect to begin funding projects in late 2024 or early 2025.

Thank you again for your enthusiasm and patience as we work towards a brighter, more sustainable future for Wisconsin.

Consumer Protection Notice

Solar for All funding is not yet available. Wisconsin residents should be aware of bad actors attempting to use this high-profile announcement to propagate scams. Offers of “free solar” to low-income households because of this program—whether received via phone, email, text, advertisement, or door-to-door marketing—are probably not legitimate.

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