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Virtual Global Trade Venture: Africa 2021

August 24, 2021|Exporting|

The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) is organizing a virtual Global Trade Venture to Australia and New Zealand from Nov. 8-19, 2021, to help Wisconsin companies connect with export partners in these markets.

WEDC announces destinations for 2021-22 trade trips to markets around the world

July 26, 2021|Exporting|

WEDC’s Global Trade Venture Program will resume trips to overseas markets in 2022. As part of a series of six trade venture programs scheduled through May 2022, WEDC will lead trade ventures to Mexico, Canada, South Korea and Taiwan, and Germany and Austria, with trips starting in February. These will be the first in-person trade ventures in since one held in Canada in March 2020.

Wisconsin’s key industries and regions around the state gear up to focus on export growth

October 18, 2018|Exporting|

To help increase export participation by Wisconsin companies in these key sectors, WEDC has awarded a Targeted Industry Project Grant to the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, which in turn will make smaller awards to up to 10 nonprofit organizations that provide export support for a specific region of Wisconsin or a specific industry sector.

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