Save the date for the Wisconsin Economic Summit – hotel reservations available now!

While the European Union and the Euro zone create many common features across much of Europe, cultural and market distinctions are still very common across the continent and need to be taken into consideration by proactive exporters. The varied policies to fight COVID-19 implemented by the different national governments within the European Union have produced different results. The International Monetary Fund projections suggest EU growth of 4.4% in 2021 after contracting 6.6% in 2020. While the exit deal that the United Kingdom negotiated with the EU means that there will not be any tariffs levied or restrictive quotas imposed, there will be a series of new customs and regulatory checks, including rules of origin and stringent local content requirements. Wisconsin firms will need to evaluate how that will affect their distribution strategies.

Clean aviation fuels advance in the UK

Wisconsin companies can explore a wide variety of research, development and infrastructure-related partnerships with UK companies on green energy initiatives.

By |2024-04-19T08:59:42-06:00May 1, 2022|Comments Off on Clean aviation fuels advance in the UK

France boosts funding for electric vehicle charging stations

Wisconsin companies involved in the electric vehicle industry, rechargeable batteries or alternatives to fossil fuel combustion engines could find markets for their products in France.

By |2022-04-01T00:00:00-06:00April 1, 2022|Comments Off on France boosts funding for electric vehicle charging stations

Destination 2050: A plan to decarbonize aviation in France

Wisconsin’s cutting-edge research and development in nanotechnology, engineering and power control systems, as well as its world-class universities and technical colleges, could help the climate change initiative reach its goals.

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The UK boosts funding to improve health care, expand technology

An aggressive effort by the UK government to reduce health care backlogs and adopt health technology is likely to require imports from the best and the brightest suppliers, including companies in Wisconsin.

By |2022-03-01T00:00:00-06:00March 1, 2022|Comments Off on The UK boosts funding to improve health care, expand technology

Biotechnology: Made in Belgium

Wisconsin and Belgium are both centers for biotech, and companies might want to consider collaborations or joint ventures.

By |2022-02-01T00:00:00-06:00February 1, 2022|Comments Off on Biotechnology: Made in Belgium

The UK tackles Industry 4.0

Wisconsin companies and technology professionals can play a role in the transformation of the UK’s manufacturers into a more digitized, data-sharing, productive industry.

By |2022-02-01T00:00:00-06:00February 1, 2022|Comments Off on The UK tackles Industry 4.0

Sweden rolls out high-speed rail

Wisconsin’s rich history of supporting industries, such as steel, technology and manufacturing, give the state’s firms the experience and knowledge needed as potential collaborators.

By |2022-01-02T00:00:00-06:00January 2, 2022|Comments Off on Sweden rolls out high-speed rail
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