We love teaming up for the good of Wisconsin.

WEDC couldn’t do what it does without an innovative strategy and strong relationships with an extremely capable economic development community in  Wisconsin. To foster that community, we invest in Key Strategic Partners (KSPs) with specialized skills and a proven track record of success. Their combined strength and expertise amplify WEDC’s efforts statewide and increase the economic impact of the funds we deploy. Their powerful work contributes significantly to the outcomes of our programs. Let’s take a look at the KSPs, which are uniquely positioned to help WEDC meet its strategic goals.

Regional Economic Development Organizations – $800,000

WEDC provides funding for nine Wisconsin regional economic development organizations (EDOs): 7 Rivers Alliance, Centergy, Grow North, Madison Region Economic Partnership, Milwaukee 7, Momentum West, New North, Prosperity Southwest, and Visions Northwest. While each regional EDO is organized differently to meet the needs of its respective communities, they all demonstrate regional collaboration with county economic development organizations, municipal economic development organizations, regional planning commissions, workforce development representatives, educators, and private sector stakeholders.

WEDC works closely with the regional EDOs around the state to facilitate communication and coordinate support for local businesses and communities.

Examples of such cooperation in FY24 include:

  • Holding regular meetings with local and county EDOs and chambers of commerce
  • Engaging, educating, and leveraging the local economic development partners within each region
  • Establishing regional roundtables with key industry leaders to discuss key drivers, needs, and issues facing the region
  • Employing a regular communication vehicle such as a newsletter or scheduled emails
  • Issuing an annual state of the region report
  • Educating elected officials and boards of directors on economic development
  • Conducting, causing to be conducted, or coordinating the regular business retention and expansion initiatives throughout the region and coordinating the input of results shared with WEDC
  • Conducting a marketing effort on behalf of the region and its partners; coordinating with WEDC on business and marketing initiatives incorporating the Wisconsin brand
  • Reaching out to rural portions of the region and helping them develop economic growth strategies; addressing any housing, broadband, and/or child care needs
  • Hosting and coordinating discussions on entrepreneurship resources and assisting in promoting WEDC’s digital entrepreneurship platform
  • Leading and working with local partners to develop and enhance diverse business development strategies for the region
  • Working with local partners to identify what each region is doing to encourage investment in renewable energy systems or energy efficiency

In addition, the Regional Leadership Council, made up of the directors from the regional EDOs, identified key initiatives that could be deployed throughout the state in coordination with, and in advancement of, shared goals and strategies with WEDC.

Wisconsin Procurement Institute – $450,000

The Wisconsin Procurement Institute (WPI) helps companies sell products and services to federal, state, and local agencies as well as prime contractors. WPI navigates the government procurement process for small firms and helps them develop competitive processes and technical capabilities to earn federal, state, and local government contracts. In FY24, WPI engaged with 917 companies, helping them obtain more than $841 million in contracts, resulting in 1,063 jobs created and retained.

Diverse Chambers of Commerce – $950,000

WEDC financially supports three statewide diverse chambers of commerce and their affiliated entities. This support is through funding the revolving loan funds and funding their provision of technical assistance to respective business communities.

  • African American Chamber of Commerce – Madison Black Chamber of Commerce, Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce
  • First American Capital Corporation/American Indian Chamber of Commerce – Wisconsin Indian Business Alliance; Latino Chamber of Commerce of Dane County
  • Hmong Chamber of Commerce – Wisconsin United Coalition of Mutual Assistance; Latino Entrepreneurial Network, Latino Chamber of Commerce of Southeastern Wisconsin

In FY24, 150 loans were processed by the chambers, providing more than $5.4 million in funding. This helped create and retain 627 jobs. In total, 1,678 businesses were supported by technical assistance.

Wisconsin Center for Manufacturing & Productivity– $2,250,000

Total Awarded Funding (Project 1): $1,250,000
The Wisconsin Center for Manufacturing & Productivity (WCMP), working through the Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension Partnership and the UW-Stout Manufacturing Outreach Center, provides advisory and implementation services to small and midsize manufacturers throughout Wisconsin to implement next-generation manufacturing strategies, increase business performance, and improve competitiveness and profitability through programs such as  ExporTech™ and the Transformational Productivity Initiative, the outcomes of which are included within the respective listings in this report. In FY24, WCMP reached 737 companies with services resulting in $16.9 million in cost savings, $64.3 million in new sales, $846.1 million in retained sales, $107.7 million in new investment, 538 jobs to be created, and 622 jobs retained.

Total Awarded Funding (Project 2): $1,000,000
The Wisconsin Center for Manufacturing & Productivity (WCMP) has proposed a program to increase its reach and encourage manufacturers to implement technology in a methodical approach to reduce risk and accelerate technology adoption to transform their operations. This KSP project will assist businesses with equipment purchases or leases by establishing a grant program to offset the cost of purchasing or leasing automation or advanced manufacturing technology or equipment for small and midsize manufacturers.

Center for Technology Commercialization – $540,000

The Center for Technology Commercialization (CTC) provides services delivered by staff and a statewide network of partners that includes review and analysis of business models and commercialization plans; advice concerning patent, trademark, and copyright issues; and assistance to businesses in obtaining federal SBIR/STTR grants. In FY24, CTC provided counseling to 576 business clients—activity expected to assist in the creation of 63 new jobs and the retention of 310 jobs.

Note: In addition to this one-on-one assistance, CTC provides significant, in-depth consultation to numerous other businesses in its administration of WEDC’s Entrepreneurial Micro-grant Program, SBIR/STTR Matching Grant Program, and the Idea Advance Seed Fund, which is supported through WEDC’s Capital Catalyst Program. Outcomes of those activities are included within the respective program listings in this report.

Wisconsin's Women's Business Initiative Corp. – $350,000

WWBIC provides small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs with an array of educational programming, individual consulting, and microloan assistance. In FY24, WWBIC provided 1,086 clients with counseling services averaging more than seven hours per client. WWBIC’s microloan program provided more than $7.5 million in loan financing to small businesses, including 27 startups. Of the total loan amount, more than $983,000 served businesses in rural Wisconsin. WWBIC’s assistance is expected to facilitate the creation of 95 jobs and retention of 175 positions.

Wisconsin Technology Council – $310,000

The Wisconsin Technology Council (WTC) contributes to the state’s high-tech and entrepreneurial economy through its policy work, hands-on work with investors and companies, educational forums, and networking events. In FY24, key WTC events—with combined attendance of 2,258 entrepreneurs, investors, service providers, and others—provided select entrepreneurs with unique opportunities and training to advance their ventures. The 2023 Early Stage Symposium featured 54 young firms showcasing their companies to an audience of 28 investors and other advisors, while the 2024 Governor’s Business Plan contest provided 52 of the 150 entrants with intensive “pitch” training and culminated in finalists presenting at the Wisconsin Entrepreneurs’ Conference. In addition, the Wisconsin Technology Summit facilitated 190 meetings for 17 major and 55 emerging companies.

The Tech Council Investor Networks (TCIN), formerly known as the Wisconsin Angel Network and housed within WTC, organized 30-minute one-on-one sessions with the final 13 contestants of the 2024 Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan Contest and investment mentors, providing assistance and feedback on their pitches. The TCIN also held an investors-only event, with 20 investors representing 17 angel networks, to foster more connections among investors and increase awareness of investment trends and preferences.

Brightstar Wisconsin Foundation – $50,000

BrightStar is a 501(c)(3)-designated nonprofit foundation that manages an equity investment fund capitalized by private donations. BrightStar invests primarily in technology-based, high-growth, early-stage businesses to facilitate job creation and increase economic activity statewide. In FY24, BrightStar made one investment in an early-stage company totaling $105,999 and provided assistance to more than 70 companies. Brightstar continues to manage a portfolio of 53 companies.

Global Network of WEDC's Authorized Trade Representatives – $161,950

WEDC has authorized trade representatives located in high-volume and high-growth-potential markets for Wisconsin companies. In FY24, the Global Network covered 115 countries and consisted of 14 independent contractors, 12 of which fell under an umbrella contract managed by the Council of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors and Premiers. In FY24, the Global Network provided 71 in-country assistances and served 56 Wisconsin companies with WEDC export support services.

Note: As part of WEDC’s continued strategic evaluation and planning, the Global Network of authorized trade representatives will move to operations and go through the procurement process starting in FY25.

Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology – $4,000,000

The Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology (WIST) is part of the College of Natural Resources at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. The  institute provides research, laboratory services, and education for business and organizations to meet their goals in ways that make more sustainable use of natural resources.

WIST is engaging in a project to support the forest products industry–the fourth-largest manufacturing sector in Wisconsin and the main employer in 10 Wisconsin counties. In recent years, the forest products industry has struggled as global changes in fiber and wood dynamics have impacted the demand for the products of the diverse businesses operating in the state. Funded through the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), WIST will increase capacity to undertake research, development, and analysis by recruiting technical specialists in natural fiber science, papermaking, and sustainable packaging, and it will provide technical assistance to companies operating in the forest products sector.

University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension – $1,000,000

The Board of Regents of the Universities of Wisconsin and the UW-Madison, Division of Extension, working through their Rural Wisconsin Entrepreneurship Initiative, provide education, training, research, and technical assistance to small businesses and entrepreneurs, economic development practitioners, and communities that are interested in supporting and developing entrepreneurial activity throughout the rural parts of Wisconsin.

The Rural Wisconsin Entrepreneurship Initiative (RWEI) is a project designed to support and enhance entrepreneurial activities in rural Wisconsin. Funded with ARPA dollars, RWEI is addressing critical needs in three main areas: providing targeted business development assistance to underserved entrepreneurs, strengthening rural entrepreneurial ecosystems, and improving access to finance for rural entrepreneurs. By offering education, training, research, and technical assistance, RWEI aims to help small businesses and entrepreneurs overcome barriers, create jobs, generate income, and stimulate economic growth in rural communities across Wisconsin.

University of Wisconsin System Institute for Business and Entrepreneurship – $6,332,346

Total Awarded Funding (MSBB Technical Assistance): $5,040,000
The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and the UW System Institute for Business and Entrepreneurship will support Small Business Development Centers’ (SBDC) efforts by making their resources and services accessible to approximately 9,400 Main Street Bounceback Grant (MSBB) recipients. Funded through ARPA, these services will include statewide consultants, a rural consultant, MSBB Rural Small Business Clinics, training/learning opportunities, and access to market research.

In FY24, SBDCs in Wisconsin provided more than 2,300 hours of consulting at no cost to MSBB recipients and served 428 businesses. SBDCs also created 21 on-demand trainings, which are offered in Hmong, Spanish, and English. The Digital Marketing Clinic served 98 businesses in addition to hosting two webinars. One Rural Small Business Clinic was held in Fennimore, with presentations and one-on-one meetings. SBDC also provided entrepreneurs with classes on business operations and resiliency, and 1,034 attendees completed more than 3,546 hours of training.

Total Awarded Funding (SSBCI Technical Assistance): $1,292,346
The University of Wisconsin’s Institute for Business and Entrepreneurship (IBE) has received federal funding through the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) to enhance their technical assistance programs. IBE will launch a dedicated Technical Assistance Center, providing legal, accounting, and financial advisory services to entrepreneurs in Wisconsin, specifically for those who have sought or are seeking funding. The initiative will focus on supporting socially and economically distressed individuals (SEDIs) and very small businesses (VSBs). Starting in FY25, SSBCI technical assistance programs aim to assist over 100 SEDI and VSB entrepreneurs.

University of Wisconsin-Stout Center for Innovation and Development– $266,000

UW-Stout’s Center for Innovation & Development supports existing and new digital fabrication laboratories (fab labs) that are funded by the WEDC Fab Labs Grant Program. Over the past three years, UW-Stout’s Wisconsin Fabrication Laboratories Cooperative has provided support to existing and new fab labs across Wisconsin through direct consultation and educational programs.

University of Wisconsin Law School Law and Entrepreneurship Clinic– $561,154

Housed within the UW-Madison Law School, the Law and Entrepreneurship Clinic (LEC) offers legal technical assistance to Wisconsin businesses. Through federal funding from the SSBCI, LEC will expand its technical assistance programs and develop an on-demand business formation tool. LEC will hire an additional staff member to provide legal advisory services to socially and economically distressed individuals and very small businesses seeking funding opportunities. Starting in FY25, SSBCI technical assistance programs aim to support more than 200 of those entrepreneurs.