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Tapping into trends in downtown entrepreneurship

February 18, 2022|Downtown Development|

The COVID-19 pandemic foisted many dizzying changes on locally owned businesses, including temporary and permanent closures, changing entrepreneur demographics, labor market shifts and a switch to online sales. One benefit of coordinating a long-standing program such as Wisconsin Main Street (celebrating its 35th year in 2022) is the ability to explore trends over time.

Apply by Feb. 22 for SBIR Ready workshops to help businesses access federal defense funding

February 15, 2022|Entrepreneurship|

Intended for technical leads, product managers, founders and team leaders from firms with fewer than 500 employees in technical areas including manufacturing, engineering, sensors, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data management and health care, the workshops will help companies understand funding opportunities and support them as they prepare proposals for submission.

Wisconsin innovates, invests to solve workforce challenges

February 9, 2022|Business Attraction|

As states across the U.S. grapple with a shortage of workers, Wisconsin is taking the long view toward solving workforce challenges and overcoming obstacles to workforce participation. Wisconsin's approach is distinctive in the way it works with regional partners to understand and address needs specific to each region of the state.

Fighting cabin fever by creating winter fun downtown

January 27, 2022|Downtown Development|

Wisconsin winters can seem long, dark and cold. The temptation is strong to hunker down and wait it out. But just because the days are short and frigid, there’s no reason your customers need to be prisoners in their own homes. You can ward off cabin fever by uncovering the fun side of winter right in your own downtown.

Exact Sciences chooses Wisconsin to expand its cancer-screening mission

January 24, 2022|Business Attraction|

WEDC is supporting Exact Sciences’ Wisconsin-based projects with an additional $18.5 million in performance-based Enterprise Zone Tax Credits, which will be awarded if the company meets new capital investment and job creation goals by 2025.

Virtual Trade Venture: Canada 2022

December 16, 2021|Exporting|

To help Wisconsin companies make connections in Canada, WEDC is organizing a virtual Trade Venture from March 20-25, 2021. Canada is an ideal market for new-to-export companies, as well as those seeking to further expand their business/distribution networks in country. The Canadian market seeks innovative, advanced technology product and service solutions—so whether a company is a first-time or a seasoned exporter, this market should be a key component of its export growth strategy.

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