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WEDC supports statewide internet broadband speed test

August 18, 2022|Downtown Development|

To help create an accurate assessment of broadband access statewide, a coalition of regional economic development organizations and regional planning commissions covering the entire state selected a GIS mapping tool that allows individual residents and businesses to upload speed test data.

La Crosse Chamber concierge program helps attract talent to local community

August 18, 2022|Downtown Development|

A growing concierge-style program created by the La Crosse Area Chamber of Commerce is delivering impressive results in both attracting and retaining talent in their community.

Building stronger communities through brownfield redevelopment

May 3, 2022|Downtown Development|

Communities may experience many environmental, social and economic benefits from brownfield redevelopment by removing health hazards, removing blight through renovating abandoned buildings and removal of derelict structures, and preserving historical landmarks.

Eventful: Tips and trends help power downtown event planning

March 29, 2022|Downtown Development|

The COVID-19 pandemic foisted many dizzying changes on locally owned businesses, including temporary and permanent closures, changing entrepreneur demographics, labor market shifts and a switch to online sales. One benefit of coordinating a long-standing program such as Wisconsin Main Street (celebrating its 35th year in 2022) is the ability to explore trends over time.

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