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Wayfinding 2020: Community Signage for Today’s Main Street
By Joe Lawniczak, Wisconsin Main Street It seems there are few areas of life that aren’t being revolutionized by technology, and travel is no different. People rarely read maps [...]
Issues and solutions for parking on Main Street
More often than not, parking issues in downtown districts stem from one or more of the following: confusion about available parking; abuses and enforcement; and physical condition and design. Here are solutions to those issues.
The importance of evaluating your event
Events and promotions are an important part of what make your downtown a destination. However, it is important that event hosts have a regular process for reviewing what went well and what could be improved.
Building additions in historic commercial districts
With additions to the side, rear or top of buildings, it is very important that the new portion does not physically or visually damage the existing building. Any new addition should take design cues from the original building style.
Program spotlight: WEDC grant programs help communities thrive
WEDC provides financial and technical assistance to Wisconsin businesses and communities. Community Development Investment (CDI) Grants and Idle Sites Redevelopment Grants are aimed at funding redevelopment in communities.
65 ways to get started with downtown revitalization
If you’re just getting started with downtown revitalization and lacking inspiration, here are 65 ideas to help get started.
A layperson’s guide to historic commercial building styles in Wisconsin
Written by Joe Lawniczak, Wisconsin Main Street | Edited by Jim Draeger, Wisconsin Historical Society If you’re like most people, being able to identify a building’s architectural style is [...]