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Global trade venture will help Wisconsin companies explore markets in United Kingdom

August 22, 2022|News|

Stops in London and Manchester, England then Glasgow, Scotland will allow participating companies to meet one-on-one with prospective trade partners selected specifically for their business needs and goals.

SeedLinked Co. altering the global landscape of specialty crop research and production

August 19, 2022|News|

Founded in 2018, SeedLinked offers a new, tailored approach to seed selection and crop growth. Users’ geolocated reviews detail seed performance and inform others of which variety might be most successful in a specific region.

Putting a fresh face on manufacturing

August 18, 2022|News|

Companies are reaching out to students in high school, adding on-site training programs, mounting billboard and video campaigns and banding together in collaborative projects. Failure to solve the manufacturing industry’s workforce challenges has the potential to harm the competitiveness not only of individual companies but of the Wisconsin economy.

Building global cooperation one game at a time

August 18, 2022|News|

Wisconsin students and their counterparts in Heilongjiang, China will compete in two online chess competitions – starting this week – to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Wisconsin’s sister state relationship with Heilongjiang.

New ways to support entrepreneurs

August 1, 2022|News|

Wisconsin’s entrepreneurial spirit is thriving with more organizations creating innovative programs to support residents as they build businesses.

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