South Korea’s appetite grows for edible insects
The edible insect market in Korea has been steadily growing and there may be market opportunities for Wisconsin companies.
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The edible insect market in Korea has been steadily growing and there may be market opportunities for Wisconsin companies.
The fee reductions will allow internal prices to adjust and facilitate the entry of exports from Wisconsin companies to the Brazilian market.
Industrial machinery, including farm equipment, has long been Wisconsin’s top export product category. Wisconsin was ranked 11th among the 50 states in the first quarter of 2021 for industrial machinery exports.
A closer agricultural trade relationship between the U.S. and China will benefit both countries. Wisconsin, as one of the largest agricultural states, can take the lead and explore opportunities in exporting agricultural products to China.
People in Colombia, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico are basing their choices for food on taste, simplicity and transparency, health benefits, and the authenticity and sustainability of natural ingredients. For that, they are willing to pay more.
Priorities include infrastructure, agriculture and manufacturing, with major investments planned for projects in these areas.
South Koreans are highly influenced by trends and a taste for Western consumer goods, and their increasing interest in imported dairy products could open opportunities for Wisconsin cheese producers.
Products and supplies for home gardeners and urban farms are in demand.
Wisconsin’s forest products industry could benefit from increased imports of wood to India.
The market depends on imports since it does not produce enough to meet domestic demand.