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Wisconsin Ambassador feature: Nurturing biohealth startup success

February 29, 2024
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Forward BIOLABS CEO and cofounder Jessica Martin Eckerly

Jessica Martin Eckerly, CEO and cofounder, Forward BIOLABS

Wisconsin Ambassadors are a collection of industry leaders from all facets of the economic landscape in Wisconsin. These innovators actively contribute to WEDC’s overarching goal of building an economy that works for everyone. Our ambassadors work in a variety of different industries and live in different places across the state, but they all represent what it means to be dedicated to Wisconsin’s economic well-being.

Participants in WEDC’s Wisconsin Ambassadors program volunteer their time, expertise, and reputations to help build Wisconsin’s image as a great place to start or grow a business, build a career, and lead a rewarding life. In this month’s column, Forward BIOLABS CEO and cofounder Jessica Martin Eckerly discusses what makes Wisconsin’s biohealth ecosystem special. Read the full story.

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