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Wisconsin has real momentum—from Main Street to the global stage—and the proof is in the blog posts. Every day, Wisconsinites are getting creative, strategic, and connected, teaming up with WEDC to find new ways to bring their visions to life—and finding success in their businesses and communities in the process. Filter by topic to see the latest in Wisconsin economic development insights and news.

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Regional Technology Hub designation opens vast possibilities for Wisconsin—and for global health innovation

November 29, 2023|Business Attraction|

The designation came about through the hard work of the Wisconsin Biohealth Tech Consortium, a group that includes WEDC as well as our university, economic development, and industry partners.

Governor’s Export Achievement Awards spotlight export excellence

November 28, 2023|Exporting|

Three Wisconsin companies and one industry organization have received 2023 Governor’s Export Achievement Awards recognizing their outstanding efforts to expand their competence and influence in international markets.

As Wisconsin tops previous records for international trade, there’s still room for growth

November 28, 2023|Exporting|

Wisconsin companies are scoring increasing success in selling their products to other countries, but there’s still room for more manufacturers to tap into new markets outside the U.S.

Wisconsin Ambassador feature: Providing affordable, fresh food

November 28, 2023|Wisconsin Ambassadors|

In this month’s column, Appleton native Alex Tyink, president of Fork Farms, discusses why he moved from New York to locate his business—whose patented indoor, vertical hydroponic technology allows people and communities to participate in the fresh, local food movement—in Green Bay.

From Mexico to Madison: Why Wisconsin is My Home for Life and Business

November 13, 2023|Wisconsin Ambassadors|

Wisconsin residents are exceptionally friendly and welcoming, a stark contrast to my experiences in other places. The tight-knit community is not only heartwarming but also reassuring and feels safe, making it a perfect place to raise a family.

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