Community Overview

Janesville is a regional center for trade and services in Rock County and southern Wisconsin. A fundamental reason for this is that it is a transportation nexus, with two interstate highways (I-39 and I-90), U.S. Highways 51 and 14, and State Highways 11 and 26 going through it. It has easy accessibility to such cities as Madison (40 miles), Milwaukee (75 miles), and Chicago (110 miles) and provides its residents with easy access to larger metropolitan areas while still enjoying the amenities of a smaller community. Janesville, with a population exceeding 63,000, is known as Wisconsin’s Park Place, offering 2,500 acres of beautiful parkland. One-fifth of Wisconsin’s buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places can be found in Janesville. The Highway 11 Business Park site is a 224-acre business park located on the southern side of the city, along Highway 11 east of I-90/39. Blackhawk Technical College is located near the site and is a strong partner with the business community in Rock County, including tailoring welding programs and a nuclear medical technology program for Shine Technologies.

Number of acres remaining: 70 acres

  • Ariel photo of Janesville certified site
  • Aerial map of site in proximity to other attractions in town
  • Aerial map of site in proximity to other states and bodies of water

Site Features


General surroundings fit for industrial activity

Roadway and rail access

Commercial and freight airport access

Flight path certifications not proximate of any airport

Single owner with documented willingness to sell


No utility easements that would prevent development

American Land Trust Association (ALTA) survey

Fire insurance classification rating 4


Industrial zoning

No known environmental impediments to immediate industrial development

No known archaeological/historical impediments to immediate industrial development

No known impediments to immediate development related to endangered species


No significant topography issues

57 contiguous acres not affected by wetlands

70 developable acres remaining

Site not located on or adjacent to flood plain

Site Contact

Jimsi Kuborn

City of Janesville, Economic Development Director

Site Resources