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UAE sets its sights on artificial intelligence
A strategic plan lays out goals for incorporating AI advances to boost the region’s economy.
UAE pushes forward with green energy
The nation is a leader in the Middle East in adopting renewable energy, and Wisconsin companies can form partnerships to apply their expertise to green power projects.
Persian Gulf rail project picks up steam
Wisconsin companies in the railroad or rail technology industries could find sales opportunities.
UAE’s reputation is on the rise, according to the Global Soft Power Index
Wisconsin companies may want to consider seeking export partners in the United Arab Emirates as it gains respect and attention worldwide.
UAE launches autonomous taxis
It’s the latest in a series of autonomous vehicle projects in the UAE.
UAE is cleared from a list of countries posing intellectual property concerns
Removing the UAE from the U.S. Trade Representative’s annual watch list signifies it has set tighter protections for patents, trademarks and copyrights, which could open the door for more export opportunities.
The UAE’s aerospace industry on the rise
A strategic location and government investment are making the Middle Eastern nation into a global hub for air transport, and the country is also investing in space exploration.
Cosmetic and plastic surgery boom in the UAE
The country aims to host 1.3 million medical tourists per year by 2021, and needs medical equipment to support the growing industry.