Assisting business expansion and relocation in Wisconsin

The Business Development Tax Credit Program supports job creation, capital investment, training, and the location or retention of corporate headquarters by providing companies with refundable tax credits. Tax credit packages may also include incentives for the capital investments companies make in workforce housing and company child care facilities. As of 2024, the minimum capital investment needed to qualify for the program is $250,000.

How It Works

A business located in, or relocating to, Wisconsin can qualify for tax credits as long as the business’s net employment in the state either increases or remains the same in each year for which the business claims tax credits.

Eligibility Factors

Evaluation of all BTC applications will include, but is not limited to, the following factors:

  • Whether the project might not occur without the allocation of tax credits
  • The extent to which the project will increase employment in Wisconsin
  • The extent to which the project will contribute to Wisconsin’s economic growth
  • The extent to which the project will increase geographic diversity of available tax credits throughout this state
  • The financial soundness of the business
  • Whether the business offers health, retirement, and other benefits
  • Any previous financial assistance that the business received from the Department of Commerce or the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC)

Ineligible Businesses

Businesses not eligible (except in extraordinary circumstances including but not limited to a serious threat of a business leaving the state, significant job creation or retention, or significant capital investment) include payday loan and title loan companies; telemarketing, other than inbound call centers; pawn shops; media outlets; retail; farms; primary care medical facilities; financial institutions; and businesses in the hospitality industry.

Companies and communities are finding success in Wisconsin.