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Wisconsin has real momentum—from Main Street to the global stage—and the proof is in the blog posts. Every day, Wisconsinites are getting creative, strategic, and connected, teaming up with WEDC to find new ways to bring their visions to life—and finding success in their businesses and communities in the process. Filter by topic to see the latest in Wisconsin economic development insights and news.

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From a humble start, a telehealth solution with wide-ranging implications

February 13, 2023|Entrepreneurship|

Founded in a trailer outside a Madison homeless shelter, Nurse Disrupted has conducted 42,000 screenings in two years, helping to increase access to care even as health care staffing shortages persist.

How Octopi successfully navigated an expansion in a fluid business environment

January 27, 2023|Wisconsin Ambassadors|

The beverage industry is always evolving – transforming and reinventing itself every day. New opportunities bring new challenges, and to be successful, Octopi remained resilient to stay relevant in the industry.

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