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Let’s explore Wisconsin’s strategies and successes.

Wisconsin has real momentum—from Main Street to the global stage—and the proof is in the blog posts. Every day, Wisconsinites are getting creative, strategic, and connected, teaming up with WEDC to find new ways to bring their visions to life—and finding success in their businesses and communities in the process. Click to get to know some of these creative Wisconsinites or scroll down to see the latest in Wisconsin economic development insights and news.

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Environmental equity listening sessions to be held in November

October 27, 2021|Diverse Business Development|

A group of state agencies, working with local partners, will hold a series of environmental equity listening sessions this fall, in hopes of hearing from Wisconsinites about what environmental, health and socioeconomic priorities matter the most to them.

Register now for the 40th annual MARKETPLACE conference

October 27, 2021|Diverse Business Development|

WEDC is hosting the 40th annual MARKETPLACE Governor’s Conference on Diverse Business Development, with virtual meetings Dec. 7 and in-person events Dec. 8 and 9 at the Wisconsin Center, 400 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee.

Co-op takes CSA model to new level with WEDC help

October 27, 2021|Downtown Development|

A group of southern Wisconsin farmers and food producers have opened the Community Kitchen Co-op, which uses a community-supported agriculture (CSA) model to provide fully prepared locally sourced meals, bakery, dairy, eggs and more to subscribers.

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