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Facilitating upper floor housing
Many downtowns have vacant or underutilized upper floors that have the potential to provide unique, affordable, and walkable units in the heart of the community.
Small businesses across Wisconsin can receive free advice and training
The program offers services and resources that typically cost hundreds or thousands of dollars but will be available at no cost to eligible businesses. Available training includes formal business classes to one-on-one consultations with experts in marketing, financial planning, and human resources.
Business improvement districts in Wisconsin
Discover sustainable funding solutions for downtown revitalization in Wisconsin through Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). Learn how BIDs support dedicated staff, capital improvements, and collective marketing efforts to enhance district goals and benefit property owners and businesses.
WEDC partners with Appleton to transform former downtown mall
Transforming a former downtown mall into a pedestrian-friendly space featuring apartments, shops, and health care facilities.
Three businesses named as finalists in Wisconsin’s Main Street Place-Makeover Contest
The winning business will receive technical assistance to redesign the space and up to $5,000 in matching funds to implement recommended changes.
Housing Options Expanding Across Wisconsin
According to the company, the investment will benefit millions of patients worldwide create 2,000 construction jobs and add 750 highly skilled jobs to Southeastern Wisconsin.
Effective design review in historic districts
Preserving that historic character requires ongoing advocacy, incentives, regulations, partnerships, diplomacy, and sometimes hard-fought battles.
Building stronger communities through brownfield redevelopment
Communities may experience many environmental, social and economic benefits from brownfield redevelopment by removing health hazards, removing blight through renovating abandoned buildings and removal of derelict structures, and preserving historical landmarks.
Building a Rock-Solid Fundraising Foundation
This guide provides actionable steps for crafting a sustainable strategy, building long-term support, and positioning your downtown organization for success.
Transferring Historic Preservation Tax Credits: Case studies from around Wisconsin
In this post, we highlight three property owners who have leveraged those tax credits by transferring (selling) them to other entities and one where the owners weighed the options of transferring them but decided not to.
Vibrant spaces create community in Wisconsin downtowns
The grant is returning in 2024, offering additional municipalities the opportunity to pursue improvements to vacant or underutilized spaces in the heart of their communities.
WEDC launches new round of grants to transform underused spaces
The Vibrant Spaces Grant Program allows municipalities to apply for grants between $25,000 and $50,000.