Information and communications technology opportunities in Germany
The industry is not yet fully developed, and Wisconsin companies can help propel it forward.
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The industry is not yet fully developed, and Wisconsin companies can help propel it forward.
Both markets rely on imports to meet demand.
Bags, pouches and spill-proof packaging, as well as on-the-go personalized packs, are all especially in demand.
A lack of domestic bauxite mines means Mexico can't make enough aluminum domestically to meet demand.
A recent boom in production and increase in the value of metals and precious metals have attracted foreign players to the market.
The industry supports several other key sectors, including automotive, construction, consumer goods electronics and health care.
Pet insurance, pet food and pet care products are among the growth categories.
By supplying Mexican manufacturers, U.S. companies can tap into the larger Latin American market.
Mexico's market is the second-largest in Latin America, after Brazil.
Driven by a rise in dental tourism, dentists are investing in modern equipment, especially in urban areas--but lack of access to basic dental care is still a problem in rural areas.