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Australia’s Modern Manufacturing Expo calls for collaboration
Advanced manufacturers in Wisconsin may find opportunities to help Australian businesses update their systems and technology.
Australia and New Zealand finally open for post-pandemic travel
Wisconsin businesses can visit the region and take advantage of its optimistic outlook for economic recovery following the pandemic.
Australia’s food and beverage industry grows
Wisconsin food and ingredient businesses could find the Australian market hungry for new products, especially for healthy food and drinks.
Australia—the boating nation—prepares to enjoy a restriction-free summer on the water
Wisconsin exporters of recreational and safety marine equipment and accessories could find opportunities in this market.
Australia plans long-term investments in health care
Wisconsin exporters with expertise in upgrading and implementing workforce training and upskilling, equipment, technology, facilities and infrastructure for hospitals and supporting services could capitalize on increased spending for Australia’s health care system.
Australia’s new prime minister announces manufacturing initiatives
Australia wants to boost its manufacturing capabilities, which could open opportunities for Wisconsin manufacturers and suppliers.
Australia’s government proposes record defense budget
Wisconsin exporters with products, services and expertise in the defense sector could find market opportunities in Australia.
Australia’s home construction boom sparks serious shortages in building materials
Wisconsin exporters of building and construction materials, equipment and machinery could fill some of the gaps.
Australia is planning a robotics revolution
Wisconsin exporters with expertise, products and robotics systems may want to explore the possibilities for partnering with Australian businesses and organizations.
Australian road and infrastructure projects lead the way to economic recovery
Wisconsin manufacturers and suppliers of engineering, construction, highway and infrastructure equipment may find opportunities to win business in Australia as the industry undertakes mega projects over the next decade, supported by government funding.
Australia invests in cybersecurity
More than half of the cybersecurity infrastructure imported by Australia comes from U.S. providers.
Australia opens to visits by Wisconsin exporters
As Australia reopens its borders after the pandemic, Wisconsin businesses can visit the region in 2022 and take advantage of the Australian economy’s optimistic economic recovery outlook.