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WEDC provides $1.3 million to eight Wisconsin organizations assisting entrepreneurs
Eight organizations supporting Wisconsin entrepreneurs with technical and financial assistance have received Entrepreneurship Partner Grants.
Protected: What inspires volunteers to serve: Exploring corporate groups and individual volunteering
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Award-winning Eagle River shows how high Wisconsin’s communities can soar
Eagle River is creating a downtown space where people go to gather, shop, and dine, but also an environment where innovation, art, and history are recognized and celebrated.
Downtown transformation, housing drive Ladysmith’s growth
The result of three big projects provides a lasting impact that has transformed the downtown into an engaging location where residents want to gather.
WEDC celebrates Wisconsin Main Street success stories
Eagle River, Ladysmith, and Ripon are three communities that demonstrate the vital role downtowns play in their community.
Testimony of Sam Rikkers, Deputy Secretary and Chief Operating Officer, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation; Assembly Committee on Small Business Development
WEDC Deputy Secretary and COO Sam Rikkers discusses the ways WEDC is supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs across Wisconsin.
Testimony of Shayna Hetzel Vice President, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation; Assembly Committee on Small Business Development
WEDC Vice President, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Shayna Hetzel discusses how Wisconsin can support and grow innovative new businesses.
Facilitating upper floor housing
Many downtowns have vacant or underutilized upper floors that have the potential to provide unique, affordable, and walkable units in the heart of the community.
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Industry Experts
Explore the team behind industry-specific economic development in Wisconsin. Learn More