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Let’s explore Wisconsin’s strategies and successes.

Wisconsin has real momentum—from Main Street to the global stage—and the proof is in the blog posts. Every day, Wisconsinites are getting creative, strategic, and connected, teaming up with WEDC to find new ways to bring their visions to life—and finding success in their businesses and communities in the process. Click to get to know some of these creative Wisconsinites or scroll down to see the latest in Wisconsin economic development insights and news.

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The beverage industry drives demand and adaptability in contract manufacturing

September 7, 2022|Wisconsin Ambassadors|

Today’s beverage market is flourishing; however, many companies are hesitant to build their own production facility. It requires a substantial investment, manpower and production adaptability – all hard to come by.

Investing in high-growth scalable ventures shapes Wisconsin’s ecosystem

August 29, 2022|Wisconsin Ambassadors|

Building an ecosystem that acts as a flywheel for innovation and talent is vital to the continued success of these early-stage companies. Capital is not enough. TitletownTech helps these founders in rounds of financing and navigating the growing pains that come with scaling a business.

WEDC supports statewide internet broadband speed test

August 18, 2022|Downtown Development|

To help create an accurate assessment of broadband access statewide, a coalition of regional economic development organizations and regional planning commissions covering the entire state selected a GIS mapping tool that allows individual residents and businesses to upload speed test data.

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