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Building a Rock-Solid Fundraising Foundation
This guide provides actionable steps for crafting a sustainable strategy, building long-term support, and positioning your downtown organization for success.
Shop Small Wisconsin, support local businesses this holiday season
Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) is urging everyone to visit and shop at Wisconsin’s unique small businesses that help make our communities more vibrant and our state more prosperous.
Sixteen businesses named as finalists for 2024 MARKETPLACE Wisconsin awards
Winners will be announced at the Governor’s Awards Luncheon on Thursday, Dec. 12, at the 43rd annual MARKETPLACE: the Governor’s Conference on Diverse Business Development.
Sauerkraut giant sweet on Wisconsin
One of the world’s leading producers of sauerkraut is moving its headquarters to Wisconsin and expanding its manufacturing operations in the state, with help from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC).
2024 Governor’s Export Achievement Awards honor Wisconsin’s global innovators
These awards recognize Wisconsin businesses and organizations for their success in growing exports and advancing the state’s reputation in international markets.
Application period open for Fab Labs Grants
The grant program supports hands-on science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) education by assisting public school districts with equipment purchases for instructional and educational purposes in fab labs.
Transferring Historic Preservation Tax Credits: Case studies from around Wisconsin
In this post, we highlight three property owners who have leveraged those tax credits by transferring (selling) them to other entities and one where the owners weighed the options of transferring them but decided not to.
Wisconsin Economic Summit kicks off Tuesday
The third annual Wisconsin Economic Summit offers practical insights into technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) combined with innovation and entrepreneurship are reshaping Wisconsin’s economy.
Innovation, artificial intelligence top agenda at Wisconsin Economic Summit
The third annual Wisconsin Economic Summit offers leaders in business, community development, education, and related fields a chance to learn more about how major trends in artificial intelligence (AI), entrepreneurship, and innovation are transforming Wisconsin’s economy.
Vibrant spaces create community in Wisconsin downtowns
The grant is returning in 2024, offering additional municipalities the opportunity to pursue improvements to vacant or underutilized spaces in the heart of their communities.
WEDC launches pilot grant program for organizations to help small businesses
This pilot program is designed for organizations who are looking to develop their own innovative programs aimed at supporting small businesses.
WEDC launches new round of grants to transform underused spaces
The Vibrant Spaces Grant Program allows municipalities to apply for grants between $25,000 and $50,000.