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Helping rural residents build their future
Ten rural communities from around the state will get help meeting their biggest economic development needs and planning for their long-term goals.
Unlock export growth with an International Market Access Grant
Wisconsin businesses aiming to grow or jump-start export success can apply for grants of up to $25,000 to help cover expenses in navigating global trade.
WEDC awards more than $1 million to entrepreneurship groups
Nine organizations will use these grants to provide training, technical assistance and other support to entrepreneurs and business owners.
WEDC awards more than $1 million to entrepreneurship groups
Nine organizations will use these grants to provide training, technical assistance and other support to entrepreneurs and business owners.
Kwik Trip continues to expand operations in Wisconsin
Kwik Trip will invest more than $151 million to expand its operations at multiple locations throughout Wisconsin, creating more than 500 jobs by 2027 .
Celebrating innovation and entrepreneurship in Kenosha’s Uptown
The new development includes 71 workforce housing apartments along with commercial space and a new branch of the Kenosha Public Library, specifically devoted to children and increasing their reading skills.
Diverse businesses and leaders honored at 2023 MARKETPLACE
Awards are given to Wisconsin companies that are certified as a minority-owned business enterprise (MBE), woman-owned business enterprises (WBE) or disabled veteran-owned businesses (DVB), as well as individuals who work to support these businesses.
City of Sturgeon Bay receives $250,000 state grant to support waterfront plaza
The state grant will support the construction of the Sturgeon Bay Plaza, a waterfront plaza and community space located in downtown Sturgeon Bay.
Connections breathe life, opportunity into Wisconsin’s economy
The thread of connecting people, businesses, nonprofits, and government to collaboratively solve problems and achieve success ran through the second annual Wisconsin Economic Summit.
Improving licensing leads to workforce gains
When done well, professional licensing can contribute to talent attraction and retention. We never want to lose workers to other states, so making sure our professional licensing system is effective and efficient becomes especially important under conditions of a tight labor market.
Shop Small Wisconsin, support local this holiday season
Governor Tony Evers has declared Nov. 25 through Dec. 31 as a time to “Shop Small Wisconsin.”
Two businesses win WEDC makeover contest
YB Urban? of Ellsworth and Link’s Martial Arts of Mayville will spend the next several months working with Main Street staff and consultants from RetailWorks, Inc. to renovate their properties.