Let’s work together for Wisconsin’s success.
WEDC’s mission is to enhance the economic well-being of Wisconsinites and their businesses and communities through strategic investment. But we can’t do it alone. Frequently, WEDC issues requests for proposals (RFPs) that invite organizations that share our priorities—seed funds, nonprofits, educational systems, and more—the opportunity to contribute to our mission. In doing so, these organizations simultaneously broaden their own impact and amplify our efforts to enhance life and work in Wisconsin. On this page you can find all currently open RFPs. We encourage you to check this page often to find the latest updates.
Request for Qualifications:
Non-discretionary Investment Advisory Services
The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to solicit qualifications from experienced and capable investment advisory firms. The goal is to identify firms with the qualifications and expertise to assist WEDC in optimizing the performance of its investment portfolio and to provide interested proposers with the information needed to prepare and submit as described.
All questions regarding this RFQ must be submitted in writing to Laura Geurink, Assistant Controller at laura.geurink@wedc.org by Tuesday March 11, 2025, at 4:00 pm CST.
Request for Bids:
International Trade Data Tool
WEDC requires a tool allowing for detailed examination of US trade data, including US total trade and sub-national trade data, as reported by the US Census Bureau, as well as similar data as reported by foreign countries.
Questions concerning this request for bids should be directed to WEDC’s Economic Research Manager, Steven Richmond, at steven.richmond@wedc.org.
Open RFP: Capital Catalyst Program
WEDC’s Capital Catalyst Program provides funding to participating seed funds across Wisconsin. This boosts their efforts by enabling them to provide early-stage funding to more entrepreneurs or invest more capital into businesses they’re already working with.
We’ve opened the application proposal process for the Capital Catalyst Loan Participation program funding under the federal State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI). Eligibility is limited to private nonprofit lenders operating loan programs with private funds. $6M in funding is available and lenders must provide a minimum 1:1 private funding match. Eligible lenders are encouraged to discuss their opportunity and detailed program requirements with WEDC staff, who will provide application materials for applicants wishing to submit a proposal. More information is available on the U.S. Treasury SSBCI and WEDC Capital Catalyst program websites.
Lenders providing capital to businesses meeting U.S. Treasury’s socially and economically disadvantaged individual (SEDI) definition are particularly encouraged to apply.
Proposals will be evaluated for eligibility and overall program fit as they are received. Proposal evaluation is non-competitive and WEDC will award contracts until available resources are committed.